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We have never encountered any case where the birthdate of an adopted child has been changed by the adoptive parents, the hospital, the government, or anyone else. While birth givennames are usually changed by the adoptive parents to reflect a name they prefer, and the surname to their own, birthdates are not changed. We believe it would be against the law to change a birthdate. 80 or 90 years ago or more, it may have happened in the case of a private adoption, but it would have been quite rare.

If you were fostered you are entitled to know the full name of your birthmother, birthfather, and your siblings. The Adoption Act does not apply to people who were fostered.

If you were born in Canada and adopted by American adoptive parents and taken to the United States, contact the US Dept. of Immigration and obtain a copy of your Entry Visa. This form should show your full birthname. This is required for all persons taking up permanent residence in the U.S.

For those born in:

The unknown list is a list of people where the exact birthdate is unknown by the registrant. Be sure and check this list as well as the other lists, as it may be a sibling or other relative searching for you.

  • 1900-29
  • 1930-35  1936-39
  • 1940-43  1944-46  1947-49
  • 1950   1951   1952   1953   1954   1955   1956   1957   1958   1959
  • 1960(Jan-Jun)   1960(Jul-Dec)   1961(Jan-Jun)   1961(Jul-Dec)   1962(Jan-Jun)   1962(Jul-Dec)   1963(Jan-Jun)   1963(Jul-Dec)   1964(Jan-Jun)   1964(Jul-Dec)   1965(Jan-Jun)   1965(Jul-Dec)   1966(Jan-Jun)   1966(Jul-Dec)   1967(Jan-Jun)   1967(Jul-Dec)   1968(Jan-Jun)   1968(Jul-Dec)   1969(Jan-Jun)  1969(Jul-Dec)
  • 1970(Jan-Jun)   1970(Jul-Dec)   1971(Jan-Jun)   1971(Jul-Dec)   1972(Jan-Jun)   1972(Jul-Dec)   1973(Jan-Jun)   1973(Jul-Dec)   1974(Jan-Jun)   1974(Jul-Dec)   1975(Jan-Jun)   1975(Jul-Dec)   1976(Jan-Jun)   1976(Jul-Dec)   1977(Jan-Jun)   1977(Jul-Dec)  1978   1979

  • 1980   1981    1982-83   1984-89
  • 1990-99
  • 2000

  • To register we require your birthname, date of birth, place of birth, hospital (if known) and status i.e. adoptee, birthmother, birthfather, sibling, etc. Also require your adopted name, postal address and telephone number. In the interest of privacy last names and identifying information which may result in the registrant receiving harassing mail or calls, will not be shown on the internet, unless approved.

    • To register or to obtain more information e-mail to: Royden or to contact our Brandon office e-mail to: Vivian

    If you find this site useful and informative and wish to help maintain its continuing service to the adoption community please consider making a donation to assist with its upkeep. Thank you.

    If you wish to send a donation by cheque please mail to:

    c/o Royden Kading
    89 St. Michael Road
    Winnipeg MB
    R2M 2K8

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