The meeting clarified the procedure that is followed by
the Post Adoption Registry when they do a search for a
birthparent or an adoptee. While I still do not entirely
agree with their procedure, if it is followed by all workers
the way it is intended, it is better than what it appeared
to be.
1. Before a non-disclosure veto is placed on a file, a) the
individual must either submit the completed form to the
Registry, or b) verbally declare they want no contact or
non-disclosure, or c) do not respond to further outreach
requests to register for contact or to advise if they want
to place a veto.
2. If a person registers with the Post Adoption Registry and
signs a contact preference agreement, then identifying
information will be disclosed.
3. Before a non-disclosure veto is placed on a file, the
person must be contacted and spoken to directly. If the
initial letter is NOT replied to or is returned undelivered,
then NO veto will be placed and identifying information will
be released.
When an individual requests a search by the Post Adoption
Registry, it is their policy to advise that individual to
first complete and file the required form to obtain the identifying information first
as there is the possibility a veto may be placed when the
other person is contacted. This procedure is what LINKS have
been advising its members to follow.
A copy of a veto will not be given to the person requesting
it as it belongs to the person who placed it on file.
Those who have had a 'contact veto' placed against them may
still receive the full name of the person placing the veto
by signing an undertaking that if the name is released, no
contact will be made, under threat of a fine of up to
$50,000.00. I don't think people are being told about this
option, but are just being denied the information. If anyone
wants the name and has no plans of contact, reapply.
For a
complete list of Child and Family Services
Contacts go
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