LINKS Adoption Registry


LINKS is a volunteer, non-profit organization, offering support for all members of the triad i.e. adoptee, birthparent, and adoptive parent by providing a free registry and a search service. We also provide support for other relatives who have had family separated by adoption.  Some are unable to obtain any, or limited,  assistance from the Post Adoption Registry of Manitoba so we will include them in our free registry and also offer our search service.

Our goals are: Support - Education - Informing the public - Promoting legislative changes in attitudes, policies, and adoption legislation.

The Triad speaks out

  • An Adoptee's perspective: an adoptee has never touched the hand of kin nor seen a face that looked like their own.

  • A Birth Parent's perspective: a birth mother or father has never stopped grieving for that part of themselves they relinquished years ago.

  • An Adoptive Parent's perspective: an adoptive parent has never stopped fearing that one day their adopted child, for whatever reasons, will seek their roots and true identity and leave them for another.

IMPORTANT We have over 700 people who have registered with us, but have moved or changed their e-mail address, telephone number, etc. and we are unable to contact them. Many have been reunited but have not advised us of this. We have sent several hundred e-mails to people who have registered, and have not received a reply. If you are one of these people, please contact us to update your information.

If you are an adult adoptee you can apply for your original birth certificate with your birthmother and birthfather's full name by completing and filing this form  Adoptee  or if you are a birth mother or birth father, you can receive the adoptee's full adopted name by completing and filing this form   Birth parent  If you are an adult sibling requesting information complete and file this form   Sibling If a veto has been placed on a file you may not get all this information

Had a meeting on Friday January 11, 2019 with Manitoba government officials regarding the matter of placing vetoes on adoption records.

The meeting clarified the procedure that is followed by the Post Adoption Registry when they do a search for a birthparent or an adoptee. While I still do not entirely agree with their procedure, if it is followed by all workers the way it is intended, it is better than what it appeared to be.
1. Before a non-disclosure veto is placed on a file, a) the individual must either submit the completed form to the Registry, or b) verbally declare they want no contact or non-disclosure, or c) do not respond to further outreach requests to register for contact or to advise if they want to place a veto.
2. If a person registers with the Post Adoption Registry and signs a contact preference agreement, then identifying information will be disclosed.
3. Before a non-disclosure veto is placed on a file, the person must be contacted and spoken to directly. If the initial letter is NOT replied to or is returned undelivered, then NO veto will be placed and identifying information will be released.

When an individual requests a search by the Post Adoption Registry, it is their policy to advise that individual to first complete and file the required form to obtain the identifying information first as there is the possibility a veto may be placed when the other person is contacted. This procedure is what LINKS have been advising its members to follow.
A copy of a veto will not be given to the person requesting it as it belongs to the person who placed it on file.

Those who have had a 'contact veto' placed against them may still receive the full name of the person placing the veto by signing an undertaking that if the name is released, no contact will be made, under threat of a fine of up to $50,000.00. I don't think people are being told about this option, but are just being denied the information. If anyone wants the name and has no plans of contact, reapply.

5,587 records (1,580 REUNITED, 29 FOUND but no contact, 88 CLOSED account unable to locate registrant or have abandoned their search)

To register with LINKS or to request assistance in doing a search call: Royden at 204-257-4742 or

To follow conversations on Facebook go to Adoption Reunions in Manitoba and Canada

Check out our message board below, we may be looking for you

Post Adoption Registry

Canadian provincial registries & genealogy
The Adoption Act
non-identifying information
more adoption registries, genealogy, cemeteries, obituaries, DNA testing
Do's and Don'ts
records available
comparison of Canadian adoption laws

First Nations children, birthparents and siblings of those adopted in Manitoba or out of Manitoba and Canada, should also register with the following: click here

For a complete list of Child and Family Services Contacts go here

All Provinces and Territories in Canada have passed legislation to open past and future adoption records.

Message Board and links to people searching and their story

If you find this site useful and informative and wish to help maintain its continuing service to the adoption community please consider making a donation to assist with its upkeep.

If you wish to send a donation by cheque please mail to:

LINKS, c/o Royden Kading, 89 St. Michael Road, Winnipeg MB, R2M 2K8

or you can send an e-transfer to

or donate by PayPal at the following site: PayPal

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since October 22, 1995

site updated October 12, 2024